Writing Prompt #16
Can you save Santa Claus? He was going down a chimney that was actually a portal to the South Pole. I don't know if you guys know this,...
Reading at Helicon West
On December 3rd, I had my first reading at Helicon West in Logan, Utah. I read a segment of Immortal Writers. I thought it went very...

First Contest. Win Free Stuff!
Hi, everyone! Want to win free stuff? Here is a picture of one, just one, of my book shelves/book corners: This is the corner that houses...

Writing Prompt #15
This week's shoutout goes to Crystal! Thanks for participating in this week's writing prompt! Today where I live, snow is falling. This...

Writing Prompt #14
The shoutout this week goes to Whitney for her fun story about her cat in response to last week's writing prompt. Thank you all for your...

J.R.R. Tolkein Responds to Lord of the Rings Films
Since the Immortal Writers have trusted me with their story, William Shakespeare has also entrusted me to post his and other writers'...

Writing Prompt #13
Well done to Crystal for answering last week's writing prompt. She hates essays. Who doesn't? Even though I love writing, essays can be...

Writing Prompt #12
Congratulations to Marinda for her excellent horror story in response to last week's prompt. Thank you for your participation! This week,...

Shakespeare Responds to Interpretations
Since the Immortal Writers have trusted me with their story, William Shakespeare has also entrusted me to post his and other writers'...

The Raven Goes Mad
Immortal Writers include authors like William Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe. They, along with the protagonist of this story, Liz, have...